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Why Talk Politics? | PLUS Why I Support Ron Paul for President


Why Do We Talk Politics?

+ Why I support Ron Paul for President

As A Christian, shouldn’t you just focus on Jesus? Why Talk About Politics?

As Christians, we don’t just talk about politics, we talk and speak with authority over politics.

Jeremiah 1:10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

God set Jeremiah his messenger OVER nations (government authorities) and kingdoms (financial authorities). Later in Jeremiah 1 God told Jeremiah that Kings, Princes, Priests, and other people would fight against him, but they would not prevail against him.

Jeremiah was faithful to the message God gave him for decades. His message outlasted everyone else, and it all came true.

As a man made in the image of God, spiritually my authority is OVER nations and kingdoms, not under them. When I speak and direct politics, I’m exercising my authority. Jesus Christ told us that we have authority in heaven and earth.

China Church versus U.S. Church

In China there is an ‘official’ government sanctioned church that can’t preach the resurrection of Jesus. Perhaps the reason is because that eliminates the fear of death. Neither can they preach any messages that correct government policies.

There is also a persecuted, underground, a.k.a. ‘real’ Church that speaks what God says.

In America, they don’t even have to ban us or restrict us because we cut out our own “spiritual throats” because of fear, or because of money; we do not want to lose our 501c3 statuses. This is a shame that we don’t want to speak with our God-given authority because of popularity, money, or branding.

Or, we give our spiritual authority to ‘Right Wing’ groups who don’t teach the bible for 3 years… but then when elections come around they shove some wack (business is God) candidate down our throat. They don’t mind if this person has no integrity, has inconsistent records, can’t tell the truth, or has 3 wives and 3 mistresses.

Or, we give our spiritual authority over to ‘Left Wing’ (government is God) groups who doesn’t even pretend to know the Bible or the importance of liberty (where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty 2 Corinthians 3:17). They don’t understand the biblical role of government.

Our Spiritual Authority

In the Kingdom of God, our authority is not in legislation, it’s in our “throats.” Our authority is in our persuasion and our conviction of truth and love. But if we cut our throats out, where is our authority? It’s gone.

So then the world suffers because the people that are in spiritual authority are scared to exercise that authority where it matters. Or they take 3 years off when it’s not election time.

John the Baptist used his spiritual authority

Preachers like Jesus the King of the Universe and John the Baptist spoke to government tax collectors and Roman soldiers telling them exactly what to repent from.

Luke 3:  7 So he said to the people who went out to him for baptism: You offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come? 8 Make clear by your acts that your hearts have been changed; and do not say to yourselves, We have Abraham for our father: for I say to you that God is able from these stones to make children of Abraham. 9 And even now the axe is put to the root of the trees; and every tree which does not have good fruit will be cut down and put into the fire. 10 And the people put questions to him, saying, What have we to do? 11 And he made answer and said to them, He who has two coats, let him give to him who has not even one; and he who has food, let him do the same. 12 Then tax-farmers came to him for baptism and said to him, Master, what have we to do?13 And he said to them, Do not make an attempt to get more money than the right amount. 14And men of the army put questions to him, saying, And what have we to do? And he said to them, Do no violent acts to any man, and do not take anything without right, and let your payment be enough for you. (Bible in Basic English)

– John the Baptist spoke to Roman government tax collectors and soldiers about what they did with their money.
– John the Baptist spoke to Roman government tax collectors and soldiers about what they did with their life.
– John the Baptist told Herod ‘It’s unlawful for you to have your brother’s wife’ (Mark 6).

Jesus Himself called Herod a ‘fox’ because he was a sneaky dog (Beware of Dogs) that used his mouth for evil. (Luke 13:32)

Jesus spoke often to the governing body of Jerusalem (the religious leaders), and His words came to pass for the city of Jerusalem, just as Jeremiah’s words came to pass (Matthew 23, 24).

God anointed Paul to preach to “kings” as well. He went to the political leaders of many cities, even the barbarian island. That’s new testament. Our job is not just to preach the gospel of individual salvation, but the gospel of the Kingdom (Matt 24). Jesus is King of all, coming back to literally reign. Everything must adjust to His truth. We don’t need government positions to do this, but we do proclaim all truth, and let conviction change the world. Everyone has a right to repent, no matter if their job is sweeping floors, or making laws.

The essence of what Jeremiah was called to do was proclaim God’s Word. We see similarities of the Word of God’s effect in the call of Daniel, the Apostle Paul, John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ. This is a scriptural principle that can be seen most obviously in the call of Jeremiah. The fact that God’s Word changes everything, and that everyone has a right to repent, no matter what their job is. God’s Word has a life of its own, and it is indomitable. Repentance and adjustment to His Word also has fruit. And the lack of repentance has serious consequences for everyone.

The call to love, obey, and proclaim God’s Word is part of God’s call to “all believers.” It’s part of the 1st commandment, the 2nd commandment, and the Great Commission. 

We Are The Authority
As human beings made in the image of God, we have to realize that we are the authority on earth. People are dying systematically, babies are being murdered systematically, poor people are being oppressed systematically. If the people that actually have the real power (Believers) don’t do or say anything on these issues, then the problems become our fault.

We need to begin to break in pieces the oppressors; as our Messiah does, so do we.

Psalms 72: 4 He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor

We who are made in the image of God are the ones walking as ‘lower case gods’, a.k.a. God’s representatives on earth. The foundations of the earth are out of course because of us.

Psalms 82:4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. 5 They know not, neither will they understand ; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course . 6 I have said , Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. 7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

As Christians, our authority is to be used to deliver the poor and break oppressors into pieces. Not only spiritual oppressors like satan and sin, but also the wicked world systems that hold people in bondage.
Why do I support Ron Paul? a.k.a. “You Shall Know them by their Fruits”

Why do you support Ron Paul?

1. See above statements on Jeremiah. – Ron Paul has been standing on the same messages for 40 years, being faithful to his message alone, in the face of opposition from everyone. He predicted all of the financial crises before they happened because he understands real economics.

Part of the reason he is the only candidate qualified to be President is because he is the only candidate with years of study and published works on Austrian Economics. Austrian economics is based on truth and empirical evidence. This allows him to know what’s going on, foresee the results of economic decisions, and know how to solve economic problems. He can critique and classify economic decisions better than any other candidate.

2. See above statement about John the Baptist.  Ron Paul is the only one that has been telling Republicans AND Democrats ‘It is unlawful for you to do this and that…’ He has more courage than 80% of the preachers in this nation.

Part of the reason he is the only candidate qualified to be President is because he is the only candidate with years of study and published works on the Constitution and first principles of the United States. This allows him to critique and classify decisions relating to law more accurately than any other candidate. Most of the other candidates either are liars or flip floppers.

3. Liberty – Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). Ron Paul understands the value and importance of liberty. He is the original promoter of those ideas to this generation. He believes that people should be honored as individuals, not dominated and robbed by so-called public servants.

4. Isn’t he racist? What about those newsletters? Here’s a video showing how racist Ron Paul is. He’s actually someone that volunteered as a doctor giving health care to the poor. Even IF he did have newsletters with racist comments that someone else wrote under his leadership – that was a management mistake, not a racist mistake. It’s obvious that he’s not racist. At least his management of his newsletter was a mistake and repented. And he has fruits from his repentance. He disavowed those statements way back in 1996. (See John the Baptist’s biblical requirements on repentance).

5. He’s the only politician that I’ve heard speak out against the racial injustice of the Drug war. Did you know that the same president that declared the war on drugs is the same President that wanted to get rid of the ‘Negro Bastards’ by funding Planned Parenthood? Black people are 12% of the population, but 35% of the prison population. Black people do not use drugs any more than white people, but they are imprisoned for it more. Just as abortion is the easy way to enforce racism for the ‘Left Wing’; the war on drugs is an easy way to enforce racism for the ‘Right Wing’ military war business. Have you ever wondered why crack cocaine prison sentences were on average 3.5 years longer than powder cocaine sentences?

6. Ron Paul is Pro-Life. His first published book was Abortion and Liberty. It is available for free here. That was his first published book, written in 1983. The significance of beginnings is powerful. Ron Paul just may be the one that God has called to end the bloody curse of tax-financed abortion on our land.

Psalms 106:38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood.

Abortion was and always will be rooted in racism and eugenics. Watch Maafa 21 on youtube. So how is Ron Paul a racist and people that support abortion aren’t?

We pay for abortion (systematic racism and genocide) with our TAX dollars. Big businesses give to Planned Parenthood. Republicans have been talking against abortion for years, but Ron Paul is the only politician that will actually do something about it. He can’t arbitrarily reverse Roe v Wade, but he will cut government down to size and break in pieces the oppressor (Psalms 72:4). That will limit government support of abortion.

7. He will break oppressors to pieces. He already has a comprehensive and specific plan to cut down the size of government by $1 Trillion, and that’s just in year one. Government that serves its limited purpose is not oppressive, but Government that continuously grows – is. Part of the reason you want an Austrian economist and a Constitutionalist as President instead of a person who knows how to “grow a business” is because you don’t want someone whose mindset is to grow their own power in charge of government.

Government is not a business that should use tax money to grow perpetually. Businesses by nature are always set up to grow. Publicly owned businesses, especially have to grow no matter what. They often end up consuming the environment, their consumers, and the economy for the benefit of their shareholders instead of their customers. Government is set up to uphold the rule of law so that businesses don’t externalize their bad costs to the public. We don’t need big business and banks running Government with bribes, lobbies, unions, and the Washington establishment.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who did NOT support bailouts, government mandated health care (a.k.a. forced profits for big health care businesses), or law-breaking legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. He is also the original troubler of the Federal Reserve, big banks. He also supports Right to Work, so that Unions don’t control people’s jobs.

Ron Paul’s vision is to take our economy back to the time when businesses had to keep rules and serve customers, not buy rules from the government, and consume customers. The fact that Ron Paul doesn’t fit in with big business and big government is a good thing. He’s on the side of liberty for the people. Ron Paul is the only person that the Banks, Big government professionals, and the left AND right wing media are scared of.
8. He has supporters of every race. People that don’t even like politics recognize that he is a truth teller. I personally know many spiritually sensitive people that hate politics. They see a Ron Paul youtube video and say “He’s the first politician I’ve ever heard that doesnt sound like he’s lying”

9. Leadership - when your enemies imitate and follow you, you are a true leader. In the last 5 years all the Republicans have tried to act like they were more like Ron Paul on financial issues. But they aren’t. They’ll fake it until they get a chance to start a war business.

Even Democrats are now talking about shrinking government and ending unlawful wars. But they won’t.

10. “I like Ron Paul except on foreign policy.” How about you say it like this –  I like George Washington, except on foreign Policy. Ron Paul has the same foreign policy as the first President. People that say this are actually the worst philosophically – they are the wolves that wear sheep’s clothing instead of fur.

That’s like saying: “I like Integrity – except when it’s inconvenient.” Or “I like honesty, except when there’s a chance for me to grab more power over you.” People like this are the psychopathic wolves.

Ron Paul is not against war or protection. He’s for Constitutional and legal wars, not illegal ones!

War is still war. It’s killing, raping, and pillaging. Do you really think our soldiers are in 150 nations doing only productive things with positive motives? Some veterans come back psychotic, depressed, broken, and homeless. Approximately 13% of the homeless in Detroit are veterans. There should be a limit to war. But maybe the war business doesn’t want us to limit war because war is their business. Maybe the banks don’t want us to end any wars because that’s how many nations stay in debt. Sometimes war is necessary, but a constitutional limit to war is mandatory.

The constitution is NOT the bible. Any organization can have a constitution. But what the Constitution represents is integrity. Integrity is, by definition 100%, or nonexistent. A foundation with a crack in it has no integrity.

11. What about drugs? Do you remember the Prohibition? How did that work out for you?
The whole gangster culture, that inspires gangster rap, gangs and urban decay for the past 100 years… all stemmed from us trying to ban what God has not banned – alcohol. I don’t drink alcohol because I’m a Nazarite that loves God in my heart, more than wine. But I don’t need Government to make it illegal.

Let’s say they legalize marijuana. Will I buy it? No. Will my children buy it? No. Why, because I will raise them right.

Christians need to learn to use their real authority – persuasion, conviction, and preaching, instead of using Government to legislate bans on legal substances.

Legal drugs kill more people than illegal drugs. Specifically, in Florida in 2007, legal drugs killed 300% more people than illegal drugs. But the FDA gets our tax dollars. Do these things make you go hmmmmm?

Cigarettes kill people every year. But they are not banned.

Government does need to protect the public. Just like drinking and driving is illegal. Drugs should be illegal while driving. Giving someone in the public secondhand smoke or a contact high should be illegal, just like pollution. Government should also protect people from breaking contracts and lying in advertising.

But the hypocrisy of banning certain harmful substances and allowing other harmful substances (that benefit certain races or certain businesses) is a waste of time and it is oppression.

12. What about Israel and the last days? Ron Paul is a friend of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agrees with Ron Paul. He supports Israel by trading with them so they can prosper. Not by giving them our money, and then turning around and giving their enemies even more money! He would probably support them by partnering and treating them like a sovereign nation, not bossing them around.

But it’s the last days – the world is headed towards tribulation and World War III anyway. Ron Paul is cool, but we don’t care because the world is about to end.

First of all, the anti-Christ is only going to rule over 10 nations. (Revelations 13) Does our nation have to be one of them? No.

Someone with Ron Paul’s liberty principles would NEVER submit to a conglomerate of foreign nations, even if the anti-Christ was ruling them. I sure hope my nation doesn’t submit to the anti-Christ. I won’t support that.

God set physical land boundaries and time limitations for each nation (Acts 17:26). America is no exception, despite what American Exceptionalists will tell you.

A liberty based president would also never submit to or be subverted by Sharia law, since it is not constitutional.

Yes, Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Yes, the anti-Christ is coming to power sometime, somewhere. I don’t know when or where. But you don’t have to support the anti-Christ. As a matter of fact, if you support the anti-Christ system, you will be judged severely.

To Sum It Up

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty. As a Christian made in the image of God, you are the real authority on this earth. We need to break in pieces the oppressors (Psalms 72). As Christians, our Kingdom is not of this world. But we have authority in this world to help bring light, liberty, and break oppressors to pieces. Use your spiritual authority to elect Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is not our Savior, Jesus Christ is. But based on his fruit (you shall know them by their fruits- Jesus) Ron Paul will do what’s right and tell the truth, and that’s all we can ask.

Will I be hurt if Ron Paul is not elected President? No. But at least I’ll know that I supported what was right to the best of my ability.

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